Welcome to IoTastic

IoTastic is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables developers to easily create IoT applications.
With IoTastic, developers can concentrate solely on addressing their business's core problems,
while the IoT aspect is managed by the platform.

How it Works

Easy definition of citizen driven Services & Functions by use of a
common interoperable Functional Mapping (IoT Templates) of different networking devices
from different and competing technologies !


Caretech AS

Den IoTastic ™ integrasjonsplattform hadde sin første toppnivå helsetjenester søknadsportal løsning utviklet av IT & Integration AS (ITI) i samarbeid med Caretech AS (nå kjøpt av Oneco AS ). Dette ble gjort gjennom et innovasjonsprosjekt i Arena Health innovation (Vitensenteret helse og teknologi) ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN) i Drammen Norge.
Første pilot ble installert sent i 2012 i et nybygd sameie for personer med demens i Drammen kommune i Norge, og regnes fortsatt som den mest avanserte installasjonen i Skandinavia.
(ROI på 123 dager! Førsteårsbesparelser 3,5 mill NOK => Sparing 200.000 NOK på hver beboer)

IoTastic digital Response Center portal

ITI har nå oppgradert deres IoTastic-system til en skybasert løsning merket som IoTastic digital Response Center portal . IoTastic integrasjonsplattform kjører nå med suksess i både offentlige og private helseinstitusjoner og hjem i Skandinavia. I en av våre største helseinstitusjoner håndterer vi mer enn 100 leiligheter med individuelle tilpassede servicescenarier som illustrert i vår IoTastic Home Care Pamplet . 

IoTastic Farming

ITI er nå i samarbeid med Fine Forest Food AS som planlegger en IoTastic Farming-løsning tilgjengelig 4. kvartal 2021. Noen piloter er testet for overvåking og håndtering av korntørkere.

Smart Grid

Smart Grid is an electrical grid (interconnected network) that uses computers and electronic BUS-devices (nodes) to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the Efficiency, Reliability, Economics, and Sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. Crucial here is the needed two-way communication with Smart Meters AMR (Automated Meter Reading) in “open” AMS (Advanced Metering Systems) solutions in the new paradigm shift with  IoT technologies and services. ITI is now planning starting up theis VSG project and are searching potensial partners.

We have also developed several Apps for membership subscription that makes you able through GPS position to access IoTastic controlled environments.


Hans A. Kielland Aanesen


Founder of IT&Integration AS (IoTastic AS) and EPR-forum (tGov) along with its e-University (eSam). Has his M.Sc. in Engineering Cybernetics (NTNU) and Business Economist (BI University, Norwegian School of Management). More than 30 years experience. 

Henrik Aanesen


Specialist in system integration and engineering. Act as project manager of our installers and handling our development teams both SW and HW. Educated and practiced as telecom installer and autodidact within computer science and networking. Life long experience with ambient control.

Per Leif Dogger


Senior systems- and development engineer with 25 years of experience from telecom and satellite communication infrastructure for maritime, land, and airborne communication via the Inmarsat satellite network.  

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